Friday, February 10, 2006

First Islamic Faith Academy

This article tells of the first Muslim faith school to be openend in Bradford.

The assertion that 'faith schools', generally, are a good thing is one that holds no water. Even if one of the many faiths (and it should be good to see Satanist and Wiccan academies springing up across the country with state funding) is true and right, that means, necessarily, that the others cannot be. How can a committed adherent of a specific faith, who must believe that adherents of others must be misguided, if not hell-bound, possibly suggest that 'faith' in a general sense is a good thing?

How can 'faith' be good in and of itself, with no relation to what one has faith in? Faith is an irrational belief in something, surely the thing in which one has an irrational belief is important?

Of course, there are those of us who would argue that irational belief of any kind is not a particularly good basis for education...

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